Fedex = Fed Up
All those advertisement about them reaching all over the world and delivering everywhere and anywhere on time is bullshit!!! What is worse? Their customer service sucks!!
Me: So where is the package now?
Blogging... a first attempt! Hey, you gotta start somewhere right?!!
All those advertisement about them reaching all over the world and delivering everywhere and anywhere on time is bullshit!!! What is worse? Their customer service sucks!!
Jotted down by
7:11:00 PM
Jotted down by
3:40:00 PM
Whoa... it has been a real long time since I posted anything... not for lack of wanting.. actually had a few things I wanted to post but really didnt have the time to... The past couple of weeks and probably the next 3-4 weeks is going to be hectic for me.... :( Work is really stressing me out.... I am like a frequent flyer but more of a frequent driver since all my destination is within Peninsular Malaysia and thus deemed to be within driving distance for the engineering dept.. I am so pro at our Malaysian Highway nowadays... even know where all the hot spots for policeman to catch speeding vehicles on the Karak-Kuantan highway....
Anyway,back to the topic... I was actually at the verge of falling sick.. has a bad throat 7 cough... you wouldnt believe the amount of yellow phlegm coming out of me... ewww.. disgusting.. anyway... reason? I was about to fall sick... was even feeling body aches and such.... my bf was telling me I will fall sick and I told him I didnt have the time to fall sick.. I cannot for even a single day afford not to go to work.... nobody could do my job for me or even just cover for me a bit... I am what chinese ppl call 'One Leg Kick'! So I told him, I wont fall sick at least until after 3-4 weeks time.. and he asked how can I be so sure...? Well I told him it is simple... it is just Mind Over Matter.... Do you believe in this? I do! I always believe that at some level, we are able to control how our body works and reacts to it's surroundings.... If we constantly say something is not good/healthy for us there it will be so... but if we dont think negatively about something, it cant harm us....
It is like eating... why some ppl get food poisoning and some don't... (I mean there are cases where it really is the food's fault but for the times when it isnt).... it is actually the mind telling your body to reject because you feel it is dirty and hence will cause food poisoning.. As for me.. I am a firm believer of "Big germ eat small germ, small germ take as nutrition"... hahahahaha!! another chinese saying... yup it is disgusting but I believe it and that is why I can eat anything and everything no matter how not hygienically it was prepared and still have no adverse effect from it.. I have never gotten food poisoning... At the most just some stomach discomfort which will be gone after a visit to the little ladies room.... miracle? I think not!! It is the mind at work...
So to prove my theory... it has been 4 days since my throat started it's antics and I am still as healthy as a horse.... Of course I do plan to fall sick once my project is completed.. my body needs to relax and regenerate itself... Can I make myself fall sick? Of course yes.. I think so...(we shall see!!)
Perfect example would be my cousin... when we were very young he hated school..hated exams as well..never really did well.. and everytime and exam draws near.. he will declare to his parents that he will be sick during the exam.... of course no one believe since nobody thought that you can predict when you will fall sick.. but lo behold.. he did fall sick.. at every exam..and not just the minor flu or cold.. it is those where he actually needed to be brought to the hospital... coincidence? or just the mind controlling the body? I think it is the latter....
So what do you think?
Jotted down by
3:17:00 PM