Yesterday I once again went for paintball... was invited to join
mocha and his MUW (Malaysian Under Water) frens for a paintball session.... yippee... have been wanting to play again for sometime.... But the turn-up was fuiyoh!!! so many ppl... haha!!! 38 players... 10 photographers... and God knows how many visitors... they are one tight group... some just came to say hi, chit chat a bit and left... Nice.... :)
Didnt bring my camera actually coz I knew that amongst them was some serious photographers so better not embarassed myself with my Ixus 500... paiseh... haha!! Wasnt even planning to blog since so many of those who went also have their blogs... was just planning to link them all but then think think again.. I want to give my take on it as well... hehe!! so here we go!!!

Welcome to Kem Isi Rimba...

Not so warm welcome at the reception....
We got there bout 0830 hrs or so after breakfast but only started the game bout 1100 hrs... haha!! too many ppl to wait on and group plus there was need of passing YUEN lorengs all around... getting ourselves camouflaged as much as possible... After all the dressing up (80% wore camouflage turned in to a tree!! haha!!) we were ready to shoot... we were first divided into 4 teams... Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta... too many ppl and not enough markers.. so we needed to split!!
Getting advice....
Off we went Team Bravo into the jungle for our first session... it was seriously very much a jungle except for a path to a hut built in the middle and footprints by fellow paintballers... So first game ming, anas and me went by the right flank for our forward attack.. we had to literally trudge through mud.. at one point my foot got stuck calve deep in the mud and needed the aid of a tree to pluck the leg out... (my mum is going to whack me for having mud all over me...)... I found it so difficult to maneuver myself amongst the fallen tree and shrubs (all thanks to my short legs... ) that when I finally got into position to start shooting properly (could hardly see the opponent amongst the trees... all too well camouflaged) the game was over and my team had won... Yippee!! Yaay!! We had a good strategy... our opponents were nowhere near the flag.... muahahaha!!!

It's a jungle out there....

Can you spot the man? Or Tree-man?
Team Charlie & Team Delta...
Next round, it was war.... kill all!! Give no mercy!! haha!! no more capturing the flag... we were out to draw blood (not literally...) this time round, I was on the hill side and was suppose to climb the hill to attack from a higher vantage point... Ming climbed first and once again short legs got in my way of following... so I took an alternative route up... was expecting our opponents to use the hill as well but no one came from the opposite direction until I heard a twig snapped and I turned to shoot... luckily I didnt shoot immediately.. it was Yusmar aka Leafbug behind me taking photos of those in action up on the hills.... (really shows how gungho all these photographers are just for a good shot!!) ... So off I went further forward... spotted Ming and Sheik... they were gunning down the opponent's general... Once again team Bravo won... haha!!
Trio up in the hills....
That's me!!

Fuiyoo... look at the smoke....

Climbing downhill after our second consecutive win...

Chilling out...
After 4 games of jungle warfare there was still a lot of pellets leftover... I suppose when you cant really see your opponents there is less opportunity to shoot.... Anyhow... we were then given the option to play speedball which was on open ground with just bunkers as protection and blocks... this time round, the teams were downsize to 5 per side.... Ming, Tan, Anthony, Derrick and I formed a team... 3/5 are actual army officers... hahah!! obviously we had the upper hand... muahahaha!!!

Just before speedball... our team is the 5 in the centre...
First round... we eliminated the enemy in less than 2 minutes.. all the enemies were down and none of us shot... Second round... 2 of us were shot (paiseh... I was one of them...) and the rest ran out of ammo... so we lost by default... :( We could have won...
All in all it was a great paintball session... Hope the orgynizers will orgynize one more... hehe!! Had loads of fun!! Met loads of ppl... can't remember most their names... all had 2 names... haha!! difficult to remember...
Photos courtesy of mocha, cindy+tan, leafbug, atuk and rocket (sorry ya.. didnt ask permission actually... heheh!! pakai curi only...)
Other blogs to read:
1. mocha
2. cindy+tan