Thursday, August 7, 2008

Talk about torque!!

Finally... My neglectful self have finally found some time to make a posting on my blog... haha!!

I remembered saying I wanted to show you something quirky which I found.... Well here it is.... tadaa....

Can you guess what is that staff looking thing in his hands? I was so surprised when I saw it I immediately ran over and asked.... and lo behold... it is a Torque Wrench!!! yup... that huge 5 feet tall thingy is a torque wrench... those images of one feet long wrenches just flew out the window... haha!! Guess what is the torque setting on that babe.... It is 50kg.m!!! Yikes!!! Almost the weight of me.... (oops...did I just reveal my weight?) haha!!!
When I found out what it was for and why they needed it I immediately asked whether I could play with it... haha!! typical me... so they obliged me... brought me over to a truck... stuck the wrench on one of the wheel bolts and asked me to pull...
I pulled... and pulled... and pulled... till my face went purple (well not literally)... and the thing just refused to budge... then the guy just took over and pulled... and it turned... hey!!! unfair... I loosened it for him... haha!! yeah right... who am I kidding right? But still... it sure was fun!!! :)

1 comment:

mocha said...

i wonder what else do they extend?? haha...shoud get award for creative innovation... haha