Birthday Cake...
Once again I was in the baking mode last weekend... It was Uncle's birthday so I decided to bake a cake... Never tried this one before but I must say I did turn out pretty good... the recipe was called Jelly Mouse Cake... sounds simple enough right? It actually consist of 4 parts of preparation... the cake, the mouse, the fruit and jelly setting and the icing around the cake...
It actually took me a day and a half to complete it.... ya..the half was to make the icing so as to ensure the cake looked presentable... :)
Here is the end results....Closer view....
Because of the height of the cake which apparently is taller than the average cake, it refuse to fit in the box which I bought... so in the end... the box had to be made as well....
The full works... nice huh?
Well, Happy Birthday Uncle!! Hope you like the cake!! :)
wow so nice n look bday coming do i get 1 too LOL
Hee hee!! Thanks... :D
Me getting lazy liao... next year la... hehe! :)
yummies... wasted la... my bday just lepas... haha... anyway, must be unkel only got cake ar??? :P
ok i shall wait since my bday few months later....LOL
Ming : I call u unkel also ma.. but ur bday over liao.. hehe!! next year laa..:)
Ken : I shall not ask when is ur birthday!! Hahaha!! Kidding nia...
but this unkel no cake!! haha.. its ok... no worries... i might not be around next year... :P
U wont? Where will u be? Thot u back liao? Oh well, I post u picture of a cake la... ;)
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