My Phuket Trip.... Finally
Okay, let me share one of my supposedly embarassing photos.. I tot it wasnt too bad... haha!! What do you think?
Well anyway, it was our first Isuzu Company trip... yipppeee!! hopefully many more to come and further away ones are most welcomed... :D That is where I did the bungee jump... we also went to phi phi island.... got sun burnt on the way there... the amount of hours on the boat was way way longer than the amount spent on the island itself.. Sad huh?
But first, before we actually went on the trip, we were divided into 4 teams... let me see... there was flower, cartoons, F&B and celebrities.... I was in F&B... Guess what my nickname?

Check out my fav photo of the trip... dunno why I like it but I do.. suppose it shows me really chilling out and having a great time... that is of course before I got burnt... :(
Whose lap is that you ask? hmm... that is for me to know and for you to guess huh? haha!! :) So off we went to phi phi island and we had a telematch.... we had some "Lari Dalam Guni" event... I have nvr done that before and what was worse, it was on sand... haha!! so farnie to see all the managers and directors playing as well.... but unfortunately no pix... everyone busy playing no one took photos.... but then we had "Tug-of-War" which we did take some photos of... it was hilarious... haha!!! some had their legs stuck in the sand from the knee downwards and was still trying to pull.. wonder where he would move with his leg stuck... ;)
Look at my team in action... You see me? Looks like I am pulling real hard but what I was actually doing was trying to get a grip of the rope itself... who know which smartie pants who bought the rope decided to buy a waxed one instead of the rough ones so with the gloves and all the rope just kept slipping off... Well at least we came in 2nd... :)
We also managed to visit a temple, go to a shooting range... which I shot a pistol.. dun ask me what kind.. cant remember.. but I do remember I was a damn lousy shot.. Paiseh only.. haha!! all also was out of the circles.. At least it was still on the paper itself.. haha!!! But then tak ada mutu also must have gaya right?
haha!! yeah right.. actually not too flattering shot of me but it was the only one I took... looks likes a dwarf... Short and tubby... hehe!!
Oh, and not forgetting our last night, we checked out the local clubbing scene... fuiyoo.. all those bartop dancing girls... some we HOT!! but some were ewww... urrgh.... how could they even..... there was one particular bar which had girls dressed as Japanese school girls prancing on the bartop.. now that was HOT.... haha!! and we all ended up in this club call Banana... what a name... but the music was good... a certain Mat Salleh was real good looking...haha!! unfortunately the girl he was dancing with was not so great looking...
All in all it was quite a short trip... but we managed to squeeze in a whole lot of fun... :) but that is the Isuzu way of life... Work Hard and Play even Harder... :)
nice pics and nice field report....
hahah!! thanks.... :)
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