Monday, October 19, 2009

Consultants (*roll eyes*)

There is a saying out there that goes...

"Those who cant do, teach and those who cant teach, consults"

I so concur with this saying.... I have encountered such an individual in my MBA class... Oh God... He just loves the sound of his own voice and goes on and on and on... He thinks he is great when he actually isnt... Just because he is a consultant doesnt mean he is better, just means he cant work in a normal environment.

He thinks himself as a very 'in' person.. updated and technologically savvy... Highlights the point that he is an engineer... Condemns the OHP which is in the class questioning why in this day and age does colleges still use OHP but then he himself cant get his laptop to sync with the projector and requires the help of a mere sale manager (non engineer) to do the job for him... and he condemns the OHP? *roll eyes*

He can just drone on and on about the same topic when it is clear no one is responding... Insist that we ask him questions on our research paper and when no one does, he continues to talk and sprinkle his talk with the question "So anyone wants to ask anything about their research?". I was so tempted to just say "Cant you see the answer is no, so can be get on with it?".

The comes to our presentations... When we first started our MBA, our presentations were the old school method... Bullet points with what we want to say and nothing visual.... But as we went along, we were told that presentations now need to be more dynamic, more visual, less wordy... We were told that if everything we want to say was on the slide, why present? Everyone could read. So we adapted to make our presentation more interesting and more visual. Elaborated more during our presentation with less being written on the slide...

However, the modern man he is questioned our methods saying management wants to see the words on the slide.. If we plan to elaborate an important point, we should bullet point it on the slides.. Dont forget the slide numbers coz people might want to refer to a specific slide at the end of the presentation. We all questioned why were we asked to take a step back in our methods of presentation? Has he been out of the real world for way too long? For every 20 mins presentation, he proceeds to take 40 mins to scrutinize every single slide about what we should have done and what we shouldnt have done. I truly worry about the choice made by the college to appoint him as a lecturer. Were his credentials really that outstanding? Hmmm.. I wonder...

Anyway, that was how I wasted 6 hours of my Sunday... listening to his scrutiny and wondering why me?!!!! hehe!!

Consultants? Bleh!! Give me a normal lecturer anytime...


mw said...

I hope thats everything off your chest. Now you can go back enjoying your birthday. Happy Birthday.

Nihcia said...


Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Consultant = Con + Insult

Happy b'day again :)


Nihcia said...

Haha!! How true...