Monday, October 13, 2008

Where to Park in Putrajaya?!!!

I had to go to Putrajaya the other day to meet an officer in JPJ... so off I went to where all the government offices were at... As I turned into JPJ to get to the parking, I was told by the guard I could not enter and told me to park outside and walk in... I looked around... Park where? No allocated parking area... and guess where I was told to park?

Along the Yellow Line!!! JPJ!!! Told me to park!! Along the Yellow Line!!! What has our government come to? Tulah... when commission the architect, they say want to follow american government offices... so limited parking spaces.. Even their own staff dont have enough space... but then they forgot that in US, the train system is very good... Subway right to the door step... no need to drive....Train in Putrajaya? Where? Jeez man... how much more stupid can this get? if dont drive then how? Walk? God Forbid!!! and what more? Police just pass and never say a word... how to say? Imagine if they started giving summons... then how? JPJ say park... Polica summon... hmm... how contradictory....

Aside from that, look how far you have to walk under the hot sun... unlike US where the whether is nice and cool..we will get heat stroke if we actually started walking for one office to another...

And the final thing that caught my eye....

So now... it would be nice if there were actually sign pointing towards where this "Park & Ride" was right? How many of us knows Putrajaya well enough to know where is Presinct 1? and then must add "Elakkan Saman!!!" Must be got this not so smart policeman who didn't know that his fellow colleague from JPJ told the ppl to park at the roadside and he went along and summoned them... isk isk isk...

All this is just a joke... it is just one more proof that Malaysian government do not think before they act... They always act then think... and then go "Oops I did it again..." then find some stupid remedy which was not needed in the first place if you took the time to think the project through... haiz....


Ken said...

Wah complain to much after ISA come and get you ah...then you'll be famous. I do agree with you actually, last time I went there to get IC done, it's the same case. I've no idea with such big nice government offices but parking is like lousy.

With so many empty land around I'm sure they can build one building just for parking and provide bus service around the government blocks. I guess they are practicing our Malaysian motto, "Malaysia Boleh" park mana pun boleh.

Nihcia said...

Haha!! so true!!!
Hey, I cant help it if they keep making such stupid blunders which we need to bear with maa..
I didnt say anything seditious... haha!! All facts with pictures....
Plus dun think I am as big a threat as RPK... no one reads my blog..haha!!

Ken said...

You will never know whether they read your blog or not. When they have nothing to do, they start to find something to do :) but not constructive but I saying too much LOL