Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Never Truly Realised....

It struck me the other day that while I was busy building my career, achieving my goals in life yadaa yadaa yadaa... along with it I am also growing older... but then I never truly realised that my parents were growing older just like me... Only thing is, they are much older...
I think I have always taken it for granted that my parents were invincible and there will always be there the same way as they have always been....
Little telltale signs of aging were creeping up... It probably has started creeping much earlier on but I just never realised... Like the sudden lack of memory... (those from the yester years are remembered clearly, but recent ones are easily forgotten...), they start to repeat things they have said, they start walking slower, reflexes are not quite what they were... eyesight too... they have shorter temper and tend to nag a bit more repeatedly... Of course not forgetting the health deterioration.... They start having more frequent doctors visits....
I used to think my mother carried logs when she was younger... (I was extremely young when I thought that... coz she told me she used to work in a logging company and she sometimes transported logs here and there... I was a innocent little 3 year old when I thought that...:P ) Nowadays, even walking or standing for a long period of time is straining on her knees... and yet, regardless of all that she still continues to be the parent I have always remembered her to be... she continues on with the chores she has always done despite the pain... she continues to wake up at the crack of dawn to start the day off early... My dad continues to work everyday (and even on weekends) eventhought he is 63... I wonder whether when I come to such an age would I be as selfless as they have been throughout the years....
My parents are quite wonderful when you sit down and think about it... Absolutely the bestest you can ever find... :) Although I dont tell them that often but I do know I am one heck of a lucky person to have what I have... :)
Well, time for me to complain less and appreciate more....


Loon said...

now u see, years to come, u will feel pula! hahahahaha

Nihcia said...

hey!! that is many many years to come okay... so while I can I must do everything I want to do...