Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Terrible mother!!!!

You wouldn't believe what I encountered yesterday. It got me so pissing mad.... I was out at a mamak having dinner and this couple with 2 sons (one 7 and the other 10 - I am guessing) shares our table... upon seating the father instructs the sons.. "Take out your books.. what are you waiting for.?" I was shocked!! at a mamak? Is it really necessary... cant they do their homework at home?

Then what is worse is that the parents goes to get the food and brings it to the table.. they start to eating and when the elder son wanted to eat as well, guess what happened.... " No!! You finish your work first then only can eat" ... I was even more shocked(eyeballs popping at this point) and I just could not believe what i heard.. How can such parents exist.. even if they wanted him to finish his homework first they could have waited for him to eat together but no.... they were happily tucking in their food while the son could only stare at his food and not eat it.. how cruel...

Finally the boy finishes his work and was allowed to eat.... but the story doesn't end there... there is still the younger son... which for God knows what reason was not even given any food.. (okay, maybe he had already eaten or something.. give the mother a benefit of a doubt - * truly doubt that, that is the case but anyway...*) His homework was to construct a sentence when given the beginning and end of the sentence. Example : I will .................... to earn money. (this is my example ya... )

Forgot to mention, all the homework was actually for Chinese Language and judging from the way the mum speaks and the way she is not even bothered to read the book... I think they are one of those parents who are bananas themselves but want their kids to learn the language... anyway... back to the story...

So mother is scolding the younger son for not being able to create the sentence ( at that point I wanted to smack her!!). I would understand why he cant do it well; imagine if your whole surrounding is english and you just attend Chinese lessons on the side.. how possible is it for you to master it so easily... What is there to scold if he cant do it? Then she asked the elder son to check.. elder sons says all the sentences made were all wrong.. mother was obviously even more angry... more scolding took out the eraser and erase everything and told him to start over... next thing she said was the good one " Hurry up la... I want to go home already. You must finish before we go home" Once again...WHY????? Is there no table and no lights at home? How ridiculous is that.. it was already 9 something at night so it cant be that he had to go for classes and the homework was not done... Jeezzzz......!!!

So the younger one still cant come up with a sentence and the mother tells the elder one to do it for him... (what kind of example is the mother showing? If you cant do it, get someone else to do it for you??!!) but anyway.. the elder one considers... then the mother thought of something and ask the younger son to write it down... passes the pencil to him (and lets go immediately..) the pencil falls to the ground... " You ar...always like that... cannot hold things properly..see now wet already..*pushing finger to the boy's head*..... Aiyo!!! what kind of mother is this????
"Okay now write light bulb..." boy says he doesnt know how to... mother asks the elder son "What is light bulb in chinese?" boy answers " ten" (mind my han yu pin yin - I am a banana myself) and little boys says he cant write 'ten' so then brother says write 'huo' la... I was laughing..since when were this 2 the same thing? ..........

At that point i paid my bill and left.. could not take the humiliation anymore... eventhough it was not me who was being humiliated but I just couldnt stay any longer.. if I did I would probably have done something really irrational like slap the women right accross her face..... call herself a mother.... uuurggghhh!!

I believe:

1) Children should be disciplinedBUT not in public. That will only ruin their self esteem and in turn they will have emotional stress and yadaa yadaa yadaa...
2) You should never deprive you children off food when you have it...
3) Children should be allowed to do their homework at home.
4) You should have more patience with your kids if not dont have them in the first place... "what did you think you were getting yourself into?"
5) However you treat your children it will effect them is some way or another. So the way they are no matter how bad or intolerable was in fact created by you yourself. So you have only yourself to blame for bad upbringing.....
6) etc... (plenty more but too lazy to list them)

All of this actually made me wonder..... how many couples out there who has children, have them just for the sake of having someone to take care of them in their old age, or because it is expected of them, or either only one of the spouse is really keen on having.... and then how many of them turn out to be good parents and have the patience to be a good parent... At this point in my life.. I openly admit i don't have such patience... maybe it will come to me with age.. haha!! who knows....

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