Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tickled my funny bone....

Something real funny happened yesterday... At least it was funny to me la... My colleagues thought I was nuts for laughing so much... So here is what happened..

I was on my normal trip to MTB as I always do... so we carried in this box of parts which we were suppose to bring to DHAS. Unfortunately, since we brought it into MTB premises, to take it out again we needed a MTB DO which we could not get... so we decided too smuggle it out in our vehicle that we drove...

My colleague, Marwan decided to place the box under his leg at the front passenger seat but when the box went in, it took up the entire space aand he has to sit cross legged... So we were thinking how to hide the box from being seen...

Chandran started driving towards the guardhouse, then everyone was thinking "Quick Quick... how to hide?" Then we told him to pretend he is reading the newspaper... He grabbed Chandran's newspapers and flipped it open to read... Now here comes the hilarious part...

My colleague is Malay, and the newspapers is in Tamil... hahah!!! I was rolling about the back seat laughing and Shee was saying I was nuts... but to me the scenario was really really hilarious... hahah!!! imagine... Marwan sitting cross legged in the front seat over a box while looking as if he was engrossed reading a Tamil newspaper... could even say, "oh, this movie looks interesting. Chandran have you seen it?" hahaha!!! I was really utterly tickled by the whole scene... Even thinking bout it now makes me laugh... :D

Just thought I would post this story up.... farnie... :D

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