Friday, May 16, 2008

News Flash!!


I went downstairs for lunch today and there was so much commotion around this particular restaurant... There was initially a few policemen and a police car with yellow tape blocking the area...

Half an hour later the place was full of policemen, reporters and busybody public personnels... all and sunshine was out witnessing this matter... including myself and the whole of Isuzu Malaysia... we had a bird's eye view on this case since our boardroom has a window directly facing the scene of crime...
It was said to be a brutal murder... the body was found this morning due to the stench... but then again when i walked passed I did not smell anything... hmm... anyway... it is all just speculations....

The whispers heard about were...

1. It was a Myanmar guy..
2. The victim got his throat slit...
3. The head was almost severed totally leaving a small bit attached...
4. The victim was a child...
5. The victim was shot...
and etc...

Wow... it is either Malaysian's imagination is super good or there were multiple murders....

All I know was there definitely is a body since the vehicle to transport the body is parked nearby....

The forensic has also arrived....

Well, the truth will be out tomorrow is the papers I presume... but you might have read about it first in my blog... ;)

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